Archive for July, 2011

Hovering over 60 lbs

I’m down 61lbs and feeling pretty happy.  I’d like to lose 29 more and by October 21st.

I need someone to yell at me to workout everyday.  I have gotten a little lazy. 😦

My exercise plan is Kettlebells, Burst Training, and Jogging 5-6 days per week. An hour of working out total. I just need to do it everyday.

Gluten Free Ricotta Cheese Gnocchi

Gnocchi is one of my favorite pastas, and I’m always interested in how people say it.  I grew up in an Italian family and we said it like “Nawkey” and we say “Rigaut” cheese not Ricotta, anyone else say things like this or do we shame the Italians?

Over the weekend I made Ricotta Gnocchi’s and they were fabulous.  I am on natural cheese week this week and have been fantasizing about making Gnocchi’s this way for a long time.

I borrowed this recipe and changed it to fit my dietary needs.  I used Kelp granules instead of salt and white pepper instead of black.  For the flour I used garbanzo bean flour and had a few people over and everyone enjoyed them-which makes me oh so very happy.  My dough was still really sticky, and hard to work with so I just made little balls and froze them for about 15 mintues.


Garden Update

Everything is growing!

My Sunflowers

Squash, Cantelopes, Watermelons


There are more—tomatoes, raspberries, asparagus, peppers, apples, and pears-I’ll get more pictures up soon.

Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Pot Pie with a garbanzo bean flour crust

I’ll post some pictures when I make it again this week.  It was so good though.

This week was “milk from a cow week”, only I can’t drink it, only cook with it, so I made Pioneers Womans Chicken Pot Pie. I didn’t use cream instead I used Kalona Milk and added about 3 additional tablespoons of unsalted butter.  I also used garbanzo bean flour in the recipe and for the crust.

The crust was super easy too. I used this super easy recipe and although I have yet to master a pretty crust with any kind of flour, this one was super easy to make and tasty.

This coming week I am going to make Ricotta Gnocchi-makes my toes curl just thinking about it.

I scream you scream we all scream for Ice Cream-Coconut Bliss

It’s been awhile since I had ice cream and my choices are limited right now, but I am able to have Coconut Bliss Vanilla Island and it is blissful indeed.  I have a hard time not eating the whole pint in one sitting.  It is truly magical and a godsend for everyone.

It is Vegan, Gluten-Free, Soy free and Organic and most importantly tasty…

My next flavors to try will be the Mint Gallatica, Lunaberry, Ginger Cookie, Cherry Armaretto, and Chocolate Peanut Butter.  Cannot wait!!!!